ATS Budgeting and Forecasting Modules


The ATS budget module helps companies track the history of business volume and produce accurate forecasts of future business cycles while simultaneously providing detailed calculations of workforce management requirements. Departments can track data by defining forecast drivers to achieve a set of requirements specifically to that department. You can enter budgetary numbers for both hours and dollars to increase time and labor management. These budgetary factors can be applied to each function within your business. This module will allow you to print budgetary reports such as an Actual vs. Scheduled vs. Budgeted report to give insight on the comparisons of your time and labour management.The ATS budgeting module provides businesses with technology to develop work schedules that meet business demands.

Labour Forecasting

The ATS forecasting module helps companies track the history of business volume and produce accurate forecasts of future business cycles while simultaneously providing detailed calculations of workforce management requirements. Departments can track data by defining forecast drivers to achieve a set of requirements specifically to that department. With ATS forecasting module you can gain better control over your business by knowing, at any time, where your labour hours and dollars are being spent and if you are running under budget.The ATS forecasting module provides businesses with technology to develop work schedules that meet business demands.

Customer demand is inherently local and lumpy, and affects different parts of the supply chain in different ways. As a result, forecast error continues to be a major problem for many companies, from healthcare to distributors and manufacturers.
ATS time and attendance solves this problem by going to the source to understand true, local demand, and then applies multi-variable mathematical forecasting algorithms to forecast the impact on your organization. It filters out the noise from floods, snowstorms, supply disruptions or other special events and evaluates the impact of merchandizing plans such as promotions to arrive at a clear picture of real demand at the local level. This accuracy provides a much better basis for balancing revenue and costs to improve margins and profits.