ATS time management system facilitates the collection and processing of direct and indirect labour costs. This manner of data collection, allows management to determine the true cost of labor and effectively make informed decisions about its business. Only companies that know their true costs can compete in today’s marketplace.
The real-time visibility saves money through more efficient monitoring and administration, but also allows supervisors to anticipate and eliminate production bottlenecks.
Our system calculates the hours and costs of payroll in environments with complex business rules, including incentive pay policies. It is extremely configurable and is affectivity date-driven. When policies change, the software is flexible enough accommodate these changes.
Job Tracking Terminals uses input devices such as barcode and laser scanners for on-floor data collection. The job costing report allows sorting on all grouping levels, producing thousands of possible report combinations.
Job transfers can be tracked to many different levels. This job module can be set to several different configurations, allowing for single and/or multiple jobs at any period.
Time and Attendance reports can be combined with job costing reports. Writer module available for user defined reports.